hysop.operator.base.derivative module

class hysop.operator.base.derivative.FiniteDifferencesSpaceDerivativeBase(**kwds)[source]

Bases: SpaceDerivativeBase

SpaceDerivative operator base.

Compute the derivative of a field in a given direction on a given backend, possibly scaled by another field/parameter/value.

dF = A * dF/dxj

  • F (hysop.field.continuous_field.ScalarField) – Continuous field as input.

  • dF (hysop.field.continuous_field.ScalarField) – Continuous field to be written. Some backend may allow inplace differentiation.

  • A (numerical value, ScalarParameter or ScalarField, optional) – Scaling for convenience, defaults to 1.

  • derivative (int or tuple, optional) – Which derivative to generate, defaults to (0,)*(dim-1)+(1,). ie. first order derivative in X axis. If integer is given, the derivative is taken in given direction.

  • direction (int, optional) – Directions in which to take the derivative. Defaults to None. Should be None if derivative is a tuple.

  • require_tmp (bool, optional) – Should this operator generate a tmp array ? Default to True if F is dF (inplace computation) else False.

  • variables (dict) – Dictionary of fields as keys and topology descriptors as values.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of this operator

  • pretty_name (str, optional) – Pretty name of this operator.

  • kwds (dict, optional) – Base class keyword arguments.


There is two way to build a derivative:
  1. derivative(int) + direction(int) gives:
    => derivative=(0,0,0,0,kd,0,0,0)

    where the index of kd is direction and kd=derivative

  2. derivative(tuple) + direction(None) gives:

    => derivative=(k0,…,kn)

classmethod available_methods()[source]
classmethod default_method()[source]
class hysop.operator.base.derivative.SpaceDerivativeBase(F, dF, A=None, derivative=None, direction=None, variables=None, name=None, pretty_name=None, require_tmp=None, **kwds)[source]

Bases: object

Common implementation interface for derivative operators.

SpaceDerivative operator base.

Compute the derivative of a field in a given direction on a given backend, possibly scaled by another field/parameter/value.

dF = A * dF/dxj

  • F (hysop.field.continuous_field.ScalarField) – Continuous field as input.

  • dF (hysop.field.continuous_field.ScalarField) – Continuous field to be written. Some backend may allow inplace differentiation.

  • A (numerical value, ScalarParameter or ScalarField, optional) – Scaling for convenience, defaults to 1.

  • derivative (int or tuple, optional) – Which derivative to generate, defaults to (0,)*(dim-1)+(1,). ie. first order derivative in X axis. If integer is given, the derivative is taken in given direction.

  • direction (int, optional) – Directions in which to take the derivative. Defaults to None. Should be None if derivative is a tuple.

  • require_tmp (bool, optional) – Should this operator generate a tmp array ? Default to True if F is dF (inplace computation) else False.

  • variables (dict) – Dictionary of fields as keys and topology descriptors as values.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of this operator

  • pretty_name (str, optional) – Pretty name of this operator.

  • kwds (dict, optional) – Base class keyword arguments.


There is two way to build a derivative:
  1. derivative(int) + direction(int) gives:
    => derivative=(0,0,0,0,kd,0,0,0)

    where the index of kd is direction and kd=derivative

  2. derivative(tuple) + direction(None) gives:

    => derivative=(k0,…,kn)

class hysop.operator.base.derivative.SpectralSpaceDerivativeBase(testing=False, **kwds)[source]

Bases: SpectralOperatorBase, SpaceDerivativeBase

Initialize a spectral operator base. kwds: dict

Base class keyword arguments.
